Learning and Teaching

Visual Arts


  • To develop students' perceptual abilities, with special emphasis on visual, aesthetic and arts experience.
  • To enable students to express personal feelings and thoughts through artistic presentations.
  • Develop a spiral curriculum which let students arcquire the art knowledge  using a step by step approach.
  • To develop students' visual cognition, generic skills and metacognition through art making, appreciation and critical thinking.
  • To broaden students' perspectives through exploration of the arts of diverse cultures.
  • To cultivate students'  emotions, personal refinement, morals and sense of commitment towards the nation and the world.
  • Enrich the art atmosphere around school using different visual art decorations.


School Activities

Collective creation — The Starry Night


Pottery creation day


Jockey Club Student Drawing Competition


Website suggested:

香港藝術館 北京故宮博物院 國立故宮博物院 (台灣)
大英博物館 British Museum 美國大都會博物館 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 賽馬會創意藝術中心
摺紙教學及動畫解圖 名畫檔案 Quick Draw Game